Thursday, June 30


It seems I have packed enough clothes and accessories for a 3 weeks trip. Fact is, I'm just going away from thursday to sunday. I hate packing. I suck at it. I can never deciede what I want to take with me, so instead I just pack half of my things, and regret that I didn't take the other half instead when I'm halfway to where I'm going.

So where am I going? I'm going to my old hometown. Staying at my mums, and hopefully gonna meet up with some old friends for a laugh and perhaps a drink or two. So take care, and don't do anything I would do, or you might end up looking like this ;)

Sometimes you think it's a good idea to take pics when you started to remove your make up...

Tuesday, June 28


I'm in the mood for self punishment. I really really want to play Silent Hill Shattered memories. But since it wasn't released for my console I can't. Thanks Konami!

In my opinion Silent Hill is the best and worst game ever made. SH 1-3 especially.
   Best, because the gaming experience and story is well thought out, and I'm hooked from the first minutes of playing. Even though I'm scared shitless, and sitting on pins, I can't stop playing. I need to know what will happen and how the story goes.
   It's the worst game ever because, like I said, it scares the crap out of me. Never has a game affected me in such way that I had to sleep with my bedside light on for like a month. And my first encounter with pyramid head almost made me cry. I'm so weak! :P

But I need a little dose of fear, so I'm gonna play SH Homecoming. Hopefully I will be able to sleep without the light on...

On a cheerier note, I bought the best concealer ever today. Make up stores cover all mix. It's just like magic. It's a must have product in every make up bag.


I have a heartburn that makes me want to tear some(one)thing apart! 

Hansel, call your soldiers back, this witch sticks to her gingerbread.
Girlfriends, wives or fiances will save your sacred straightness from disgrace.

Friday, June 24


Today we celebrate midsummer here in Sweden. We raise a maypole, dance around it in funny clothes, eat some old traditional food, drink schnaps and eventually get drunk as hell.

You can watch this commercial made by Ikea a few years back about the swedish midsummer. I can't see why they banned it, because it's totally true and exactly how we do it. ;P

Thursday, June 23

Omg hair

I found some old pictures of myself the other day, and I almost had a heartattack when I realised how much of my hair I have cut off. I keep asking myself why I did it, but I can't find a good answer to it. I guess the only thing I could try to use is temporary insanity. But then again, everyone who knows me, knows that my insanity isn't temporary. It is so sad. And what a pretty colour it was. Maybe I should use it again. At the moment my hair is just plain white and boring. And that's just boring. I want my hair back damnit!

I look so smart with my glasses on!

This is another of the old pics I found that I really like. Bad quality but I almost look like a nice girl :P

Tuesday, June 21


Remember, remember the 20th of november! (.......) The sisters of mercy is playing in Stockholm in november! One of my all time favourite bands. This really gives me something to look forward to. But OMG, what to wear, what to wear?! I do believe this gives me a good excuse to buy a new pair of shoes, don't you think? ;)

Sunday, June 19


There's actually quite a few people that's reading my blog, which I think is just awesome, well reading it or just browsing through I don't really know. But either way I think it's awesome and just wanted to say hello to you. (yes, awesome is one of my favourite words, and yes, I do have favourite words). Anyway, feel free to say hi back. It would be fun if some of you that I don't know personally would. Just for fun, make the world smaller. I'll even give you a cupcake for your trouble. :)

Tonight I finished watching Caprica. The Battlestar Galactica spinn off. I really liked it, so now I can only hope they Will come to their senses and make another season. And for those of you that would like another cupcake, please go sign the petition for the making of à second season. I will love you looong time if you do. :)

And as many times before, I'll end this post With a totally related picture to the rest of my post. Here's my lovely shoes!

Tuesday, June 14

Back to normal

Mum's gone back home so it's time to get back to normal Erica rythm. After a week of early mornings, I need a loooong lie in. Not entirely sure I can blame my mum though for the last weeks lack of sleep or the heat. It is too warm out! Apparently there's been warmer in parts of Sweden than it has been in some of the mediterranian countries. I'm not sure I approve of that. Thanks to the heat and spending some time in the car with the AC on max I've gotten a cold now! I've completely lost my voice, and would really just like to spend time under the covers in my bed, but thanks to the heat I can't do that. Stupid summer heat!

Only positive thing I can think of at this moment, is that I can have my breakfast outdoors sitting in my new comfy garden chairs, looking at the awesome table cloth that's full of cupcakes. If you got to have table cloth, it's got to be a table cloth with cupcake print.

Tuesday, June 7


My mum is arriving today. She's coming to stay with me for a few days, and it's gonna be a few busy days for sure. I'm really looking forward to seeing her, even though I'm quite sure she's gonna have a few opinions about the way I keep my house. 

And on a totally unrelated note, alpackas! Alpackas are awesome. I want one!

And on a sort of related note... :P

Monday, June 6

Summer II

I had to post these pictures. From the walk to "my" lake. And it's a perfect way to end this national days blog post. Swedish summer by the countryside. To me there isn't many things in the world that can top the beauty of it.


Is here! Although I'm not a big fan of the sun, or the heat. However, I do love to swim, and so does my dogs. Well Dexter at least. So this is how, and where we'll be spending most of our days if the summer is going to continue as it has started.

And not to forget. Today is the national day of my wonderful country Sweden! Do not forget to celebrate it (:

Saturday, June 4

Oh my

There is just one way to describe this, just like in one of the comments. This song is hauntingly beautiful, and it's been stuck on my mind for a week.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold,
There is nothing that can console me but my jolly sailor bold.
Come all you pretty fair maids, whoever you may be
Who love a jolly sailor bold that ploughs the raging sea.
My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold,
There is nothing that can console me but my jolly sailor bold.
My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold,
There is nothing that can console me but my jolly sailor bold"

Thursday, June 2


My ISP sucks. My net's been going up and down like a rollercoaster this week. Not that I've been spending much time with my PC lately, but it seems like every time I'm about to do something the net goes down. Perhaps it's a sign.

A sign that I should get a new hobby. So I did. And here it is!

I bought an aquarium, and it is just awesome!

And of course I have some awesome fish in it. Let me introduce you to a few of them...

This is Torsten. Torsten is awesome, and the big boss of the aquarium.
Torsten is a siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens).
So awesome!

This is Torstens house, he lives there. It is awesome!
I think he is a little camera shy. But so awesome!

This is Lisa, another awesome fish, just not as awesome as Torsten.

These are also awesome, but yes, not as awesome as Torsten.

Wednesday, June 1

OMG! I can't remember when I last went for a jog, but I did tonight! I'm feeling so frickin good about myself. Now if I could only figure out how to blog from My phone it would be great. But I'll try figure it out tomorrow, it's 23.40 and I'm in bed ready to go to sleep, another thing I can't remember when I last did. Well actually I can. But nevermind that now. Goodnight now, and don't forget to sew up your mouth, or they Will come and take your teeth away...
