Thursday, June 23

Omg hair

I found some old pictures of myself the other day, and I almost had a heartattack when I realised how much of my hair I have cut off. I keep asking myself why I did it, but I can't find a good answer to it. I guess the only thing I could try to use is temporary insanity. But then again, everyone who knows me, knows that my insanity isn't temporary. It is so sad. And what a pretty colour it was. Maybe I should use it again. At the moment my hair is just plain white and boring. And that's just boring. I want my hair back damnit!

I look so smart with my glasses on!

This is another of the old pics I found that I really like. Bad quality but I almost look like a nice girl :P


  1. You looked very pretty there! But i reckon you're still pretty regardless what you've done to your hair :P

  2. You are just too kind Dave =)

  3. Nah it's all a ploy so you'll post a more recent pic.

    Then i'll know wether i have the chane to gloat or not!

    I joke.. i swear it ;)

    So. Have you got your ass back on WoW yet? /tap foot
