Tuesday, October 23


I was thinking that perhaps I sholuld turn this into a fashioon blog. They seem to be popular. You know, post your outfit of the day and such. So when I was standing infront of the mirror, looking cool, like a 14 year old I realised this:

  1. My outfit is too cool to share.
  2. I have too much crap in the background.
  3. There is too much drool on my mirror (thanks Dexter).
  4. My phone is way too old to be shown in a cool pic like this.
  5. I'm way too cool to do this shit.

So to sum it up... Screw fashion blogs. I'll keep moaning instead, and keep posting super ultra cool pics of yaks, random things and myself. That's just how awesome I am. And to prove it, here's a cool pic I made cooler with some cool effects. Isn't it awesome and cool?!

Sunday, October 21

Zleepy needs

I've decided that I need(want) a new bed. And I found 2 that are just perfect. I need one of these beds. And I mean really, REALLY need! Zombie girl has needs.


To do list. The result of brainstorming a sunday afternoon.

  • Build a new death star, only bigger and better and in the shape of a triangle. Because triangle is the best of shapes.
  • Buy a yak.
  • Buy a corset.
And that's about it. Hey, brainstorming is hard. Specially on sunday afternoons.

Sunday, October 14

No bad stuff

Fruit in a bottle. Must be the best way to have your fruit. Besides, label says it's no bad stuff. Bottle doesn't lie.

Randomness of the week. I must buy a yak. Anyone know where I can get a fine specimen? Numnums? (:

Tuesday, October 2

Do you know about the water of life?

Exhausted, disgusted, but I'm not allowed to let go yet.

Yes I have issues, and you're not allowed to judge me for them. I'm the only one that is.


Oh dear, I'm a depressing one. Why don't you just put me to sleep?!

While I am dressed in the monster's skin,"behold the cruellest mockery!": erection, fur(s) and a cloak of shame my beauty is too disgusting...- please, don't look at me.