Thursday, June 30


It seems I have packed enough clothes and accessories for a 3 weeks trip. Fact is, I'm just going away from thursday to sunday. I hate packing. I suck at it. I can never deciede what I want to take with me, so instead I just pack half of my things, and regret that I didn't take the other half instead when I'm halfway to where I'm going.

So where am I going? I'm going to my old hometown. Staying at my mums, and hopefully gonna meet up with some old friends for a laugh and perhaps a drink or two. So take care, and don't do anything I would do, or you might end up looking like this ;)

Sometimes you think it's a good idea to take pics when you started to remove your make up...


  1. Have fun!

    And pingchat me sometime dammit

  2. Now i got the pings. All 3 of them, at 4am in the morning :P

    I swear this app hates one of us
