Wednesday, November 30

Cherry coke

Deserves a title of it's own. It's just that awesome.

Life is sweet at the moment. So many things to look forward to. Something must be wrong, I guess my roof is gonna cave in soon or something. Just to give me a reality check. :P

One of the good things is that I got december 15th booked for my new tattoo. I'm sooo excited, just can't wait!

Tuesday, November 29


If you haven't already seen it, do it! It's probably the best film I've seen in a looong time.

Tomorrow I'm going to talk to the tattooist and hopefully book a time before christmas to get started on my next tattoo. I'm so excited about this, I've waited too long for this! =)

Thursday, November 24


It's been clearly stated that if you want to watch quality TV, you should tune in late night/early mornings. Since I know this to be true, here is what I got to see tonight, and what made my night a little bit brighter.

Now, I'm taking my cup of chickensoup and going back to bed to see what else is on. =)


Monday, November 21

The sisters of mercy

Just got home from the sisters of mercy show, and my feet huuuuurts. New shoes + concert = bad idea.

So, the concert then... The sound was quite bad, but raw, just like sisters should be (raw, that is). Unfortunately the rest of the show was mostly made up of smoke, smoke and a mumbling Eldritch. Quite disappointing to be honest. They did some strange versions of a few songs, which was pretty much what made the show interesting. Best song of the night was amphetamine logic.

The show gets 2 cupcakes out of 5.

Saturday, November 19

Insomnia with a vengeance

5 nights and counting. I think I've had a total of 6 hours of sleep this week. Sleeping pills are useless, nothing seems to help when it's bad like this. I took a total of 5 sleeping pills during last nights, without result. However, when I got home this afternoon I was so exhausted I had a little nap from 18ish and woke up now 23:45... Feeling as refreshed as ever... Great, now I can stay awake all night again... Oh insomnia, I hate you with a passion.
Erica vs insomnia 0 - 2

Friday, November 18


I can't wait to try Lime crimes new lip gloss when it's released on the 28th this month. I will have the most fabulous lips this christmas! :)

Check it out :)Lime crime

Sunday, November 13

'Tis fun

And I have cool glasses.

Let's see if this works...

I'm trying out blogging from my phone. No idea if it will work as I hope it does.

But check out this awesome tomato I bought. What does it look like to you?

I call it buttomato. Umfortunately I had to chop it up an use it in my salad, but it was a very tasty buttomato :)

Oh and does anyone know how to add one of those little textboxes to the blog so one could easily get on touch with me? I've seen it on quite a few blogs, an "ask me box". Bad explaination perhaps, but I would really appreciate if someone can help me with this!

Monday, November 7

The pain, the pain!

Ok, so perhaps cupcakes wasn't the best idea, considering I already had a toothache. It only got worse last night, which left me with yet another sleepless night. The painkillers did nothing. So this morning I went to the dentist to have it taken out. Erica vs Bad tooth 1-0. Although, the tooth didn't go down without a fight. I had to have 5(!) anesthetic syringes before I could have it removed. My face is still partly numb, and my jaw hurts like a b*tch, and I'm out of painkillers... Hmm, when I think about it, perhaps it's actually the other way around. Erica vs Bad tooth 0-1?! That bastard!

But hey, at least I remembered to wear my discrete shoes. ;)

Good thing is, I have Dexter to cheer me up. I got this on lousy quality, filming him with my iphone this morning. Check it out, and turn up the volume. :P

First there was zombies, then came the cupcakes.

I felt like something sweet, so I made some yummy blueberry cupcakes. 

Tea anyone?

Unfortunately this weekend ended in a sad and shocking way. I spent the afternoon watching the world cup in show jumping from Verona. What started as an exciting competition ended in such a tremendous tragedy... 

R.I.P Hickstead

Friday, November 4

It's friday, friday..!

Yeah, the magical day of the week!

I've had a killer toothache that kept me up for most part of last night. But I know how to remedy it. I'm gonna do it the old fashioned way. Check this out. ------------------> 
Good ol' sailor vodka. That oughta do it, don't ya think? :)

Lack of sleep and early morning appointments is usually a bad combination. Well, early mornings and me is a bad combination in general, but sometimes even I have to bite the bullet. And this morning resulted in very heavy cursing in the morning traffic, and about 3-4 cyclists run over. In pure anger I might add, not lack of focus. I never lose focus. ;)
edit: I  ALMOST ran the cyclists down, I didn't actually do it. ;P

Anyway, strange thing happened when I was walking back to my car. A strange guy came up and started talking to me. He complimented my hair, and seemed quite fashinated with my boots! He asked if he could buy me a coffee. Being the anti-social moron that I am, I mumbled something about not having time, and he then asks me for my number so we could perhaps meet up at another time. Now, if I had been well rested and not caught completely off-guard I would've told him no straight up. But, mushy brain, socially awkward me tells him that I don't have a pen... Being totally uncomfortable, I strut my awesome boots into the nearest shop, pretending like that's where I'm heading, and the guy follows me and asks the saleswoman for a pen and piece of paper. Brilliant! Once again, and I would really like to point out the lack of brainfunction, I come up with the brilliant idea of giving him some random number. Yeah, just saying you're not interested didn't seem to be an option to choose from. Thank you, my brilliant Einstein mind.
So, the guy said he would call, smiled and walked away. So now I can't help but wonder if the number I gave him exists, and if the effects of this might cause some social awkwardness for some other random persons... :D

Have I learned a lesson?
-Why yes, next time I have to go out after a sleepless night, I will wear more discret shoes.

From one thing to another...

Tonight it's all hallow's eve in Sweden, not quite the same as the more famous halloween. Basically it's a memorial to the dead, when we light candles and decorate their graves. And for the past 12 years now, I've been visiting the graveyards memorial grove to light a candle for my dad, since he doesn't have a "real" grave with a tombstone.
  It's so pretty at night when you see all the lighted graves, and it's just a feeling of magic in the air. Since I was running errands this morning I went to the graveyard while out and about, so unfortunately I missed out on the magic. However, since it was daylight I could take a picture of the ornament I bought and show you, since I think it was cute. I placed it by the foot of a mossy tree, and it blended in quite well.

I also went to the pet cemetery to light a candle, was a good thing it was daytime. Had I gone this evening I would probably have stumbled on something and broke my neck. The path to it wasn't exactly paved...

But oh well, wall of text. Tomorrow I will show something awesome. But for now, adieu!