Sunday, June 19


There's actually quite a few people that's reading my blog, which I think is just awesome, well reading it or just browsing through I don't really know. But either way I think it's awesome and just wanted to say hello to you. (yes, awesome is one of my favourite words, and yes, I do have favourite words). Anyway, feel free to say hi back. It would be fun if some of you that I don't know personally would. Just for fun, make the world smaller. I'll even give you a cupcake for your trouble. :)

Tonight I finished watching Caprica. The Battlestar Galactica spinn off. I really liked it, so now I can only hope they Will come to their senses and make another season. And for those of you that would like another cupcake, please go sign the petition for the making of à second season. I will love you looong time if you do. :)

And as many times before, I'll end this post With a totally related picture to the rest of my post. Here's my lovely shoes!


  1. Haai Dave! :)
    Smartphone is a dumbphone, My batteries is dying! :(

  2. Boooo :< I need a more reliable, yet still not overly expensive way of keeping in touch! Any ideas?

    AHA! Get back on facebook :P

  3. Haha but Facebook is evil :P

  4. It's not THAT evil. Specially if you only use it for the interactive chat tht happens to be on the iphone app and the pc (For when your smart(dumb)phone decides to die!)
