Wednesday, February 9

I'm the master of great, or sometimes stupid ideas. Today I had a mix of the two. I have a soda stream machine, which I absolutely love. I use it to make carbonated water, not sugary soda shit. Another thing I love is orange juice. And today when I was unpacking my groceries, I started thinking of the two. I wonder what carbonated orange juice tastes like. So naturally I just had to try it. I filled a bottle of orange juice and used it in my soda stream. It worked great, until I was about to remove the bottle. It was like a volcano of orange juice! There was juice everywhere, on the floor, on the table, on me and on some chairs. This is when I realised that this idea was a stupid one. I think that if I had given the idea some more thought before actually executing it, I could've forseen what would happen, but hey, this gave me a great reason for cleaning my kitchen floor and the rest of the things that I had cleaned just yesterday. But oh well, shit happens and it gave me a good laugh. And I got to try about half a glass of carbonated juice, which was about all that was left in the bottle. Even though it tasted alright, I don't think this is something I will try again, yet. =)

Monday, February 7

Spent the night watching super bowl. Was a nice game, just too bad steelers lost.
Now, the half time show was just what you can expect from a big american event. Expensive, and just a tad too much of everything. One thing that was just definitely too much, Black eyed peas Fergie slaughtering sweet child o' mine. I mean, wth did she do to her voice when she sang it? I think even I could do it better. Gah, do not try this again please!

Anyway, grats cheeseheads although I'm not happy!

Tuesday, February 1

Waiting and waiting and waiting. Waiting drives me crazy! What drives me more crazy is that it seems legit for the swedish healthcare to treat people without any respect and dignity. Shame on you, shame on you.

I was looking around the stats for my blog and found something interesting. It appears that most of the readers are from the states. Hi America! Now, where are all my russian readers? ;P