Monday, September 26


Mum's visiting, brb!

Friday, September 23

Going on...

Since I'm on a roll with the awesome music links, I'll post another one. This is one of my favourite songs by Psyclon Nine. Let your ears feast.

Tomorrow it's Saturday, and I'm invited to a very early Octoberfest. Have never been to one so it's gonna be quite interesting. I guess there will be loads of beer. Hoorrayyy, I don't like beer that much, but I guess I'll make a sacrifice for the greater good. :P

And Lu, if you read this. I'm sorry things didn't go as planned tonight. Honey badger 4-life. <3


Thursday, September 22

Back in the days...

I was messing around youtube and looking at some old videos, having a little trip down memory lane. To say the least. :P

These two songs was actually pretty groundbreaking to me. They made me open my eyes, and realise that there was a whole undiscovered world of awesome music, that wasn't heavy metal. You see, as a young teen (prehistoric age), I was a punkrocker and a die hard heavy metal fan. Just your average girl next door, with a multi-coloured mohawk, chains and dr. Martens on her feet. 

But that is ancient history now. But fact is that Sisters of mercy, is one of my all time favourite band. And in just one months time, I'm going to see them live. Yaay, can't wait!

Ich warte immer noch...

I really can't think of anything to write about at the moment. What a strange feeling. My mind is.. Blank!

But, since I can't think of anything else to share, I will share some great music with you. This song is so good. It makes me want to dance, so let us!

Sunday, September 18


Sunday night and zombies on TV. Doesn't get much better than that. Or well it could, but hey, I'm not one to complain. ;)
I am legend and 28 days later is on, and I quite like them. So I'm gonna snuggle up in bed with my big cosy duvet and a big bowl of crisps. YES, I'm allowed to eat crisps in bed.


Friday, September 16

Randomness 2

I was going to show you my awesome outfit I had on for "Culture night", but they're all blurry. So I'll show you my makeup instead. And of course I wear a tiara, I am the zombie queen after all. Which will be proven in the 2nd picture.
Sugarpill Dollipop
Sugarpill Tako
Sugarpill Bulletproof
And Sugarpill dewdrop lashes


Now, this picture isn't from "culture night". In fact, it's taken this afternoon. And no, I'm not wearing any makeup because I couldn't be bothered with it today since I've been a first class zombie all day, due to lack of sleep. I took two sleeping pills the night before, but it didn't help, so no sleeping occured last night. Don't you just love insomnia? ;)

Just imagine the cauliflower being a brain. Every zombies favourite snack.


I've been meaning to post some pictures from last saturday, but I've completely forgotten, so I'll do it now. Last saturday it was "Kulturnatten", Culture night, translated. It's a night full of random events around town, mostly crappy, boring ones. But there's a few funny ones too, such as fire shows and jousting knights. It was a cool event. Unfortunately I forgot I broung my camera, and only remembered as I was about to go home. But I got these two pics of my beautiful town that I kinda like, so I'll show them.

I'm not done with the randomness just yet though. Another thing I've forgotten is to mention that I got my new bags now, and I love them. I'm really happy that I decided to go for these instead of the KK one.
I ordered them from Restyle, which is based in Poland. I'm so in love with their things. And I certainly will order from them again. You can find their website here

I also bought these supercute gloves, a ring and some other things I might show later on. =)

Wednesday, September 14

Eat your clichés.. mhm

I have a new addiction. Vegetables and dip. Specially cauliflower and carrots, with chili and onion dip. Mmmm can't get enough! Well, actually I can because at one point I get full. But there's always a craving for more. And I had this wonderful snack for the 5th time since saturday. I should start growing my own vegetables, but I won't. Don't want to take the income from those poor farmers, that do such a good job growing the vegs as it is. ;)

We must talk about the weather now! Ok, I talk (write), you listen (read). It's been raining for days. Really heavy rain and strong winds for the last two days. And according to the headlines there's a storm raging the country. I haven't seen much of a storm, but I guess some branches from an old tree fell down somewhere, and the media blew (<--See what I did there?!) it out of proportion, as usual. Swedish media rocks. They're good like that, to make a hen out of a feather.

It can't rain all the time.. teehee
But yes. Today it's been really annoying weather. It's been sunny and warm then it's raining and "storming", then sunny and pouring. Most annoying, specially since I was too cheap to buy that really cool umbrella I saw a couple of weeks back. That's what I get for being cheap! Well I learned my lesson now, and I will buy the umbrella, because it's quite clear the weather is trying to tell me I need it. And to demonstrate how much I need it, here's a picture of a soaked me after walking my dogs. I enhanced it a little to prove my point.  


Monday, September 12


Another thing I been looking forward to, was the premiere of Sons of anarchy season 4. But just like Born villain it was a f*king disapointment.

Ok so, only the first episode has aired, so I won't dis the entire season. Yet. But bloody hell, couldn't the writers have come up with something a little more original?
It feels as if the storyline is being picked up where it got left somewhere in season 2. Jackson is emoing and wanting out of SoA, again. Gemma figures it out, again. They are picking up their gun business, again. The excitment of what will happen is almost unbearable! And also, why did Charlie Hunnam get permission to cut his hair? Pffft.

Thank god the walking dead is back soon, and that will by default be awesome since it's about zombies.
Even better is that The Big bang theory is back soon as well, which of course is also awesome by default since it has Sheldon Cooper in it. The best TV personality ever created.

Since I'm dead tired, I couldn't be bothered to write a more in-depth analysis about these TV shows that I know you wanted, but hey, I will leave you with a little picture of my new pretty ring. Enjoy and envy!


Saturday, September 10

This is the ne... Old shit?

So, I have always thought of myself as a Marilyn Manson fan, more or less. Well, quite less the last years to be honest. Because, let's face it, ever since antichrist superstar it's been kinda downhill. But anyway, I've always been looking forward to their new releases, and the release of "Born villain" was no exception. So... Marilyn, Marilyn. What happened? I'm so disappointed. Born villain was nothing but boring and blank. When I try to think of words to describe it, all that comes to mind is the lyrics from another Manson song. I think they pretty much cover it.
This is the new shit:
"Everything has been said before. There's nothing left to say anymore. 
When it's all the same you can ask for it by name. 
Babble, babble, bitch, bitch. Rebel, rebel, party, party. 
Sex, sex, sex, and don't forget the "violence". 
Blah blah blah got your lovey dovey sad-and-lonely. 
Stick your STUPID SLOGAN in: Everybody sing along".

I don't know. Maybe it would be different if I were a teen again, or American. Scenes from the video are pretty much the same as in older Manson videos. Naked bodies, needles, genitalia and blood.
  It gives me the impression that born villain is nothing but a halfheartedly attempt to shock some old, religious southern git, because that's what Marilyn Manson is supposed to do?
  But it's just like the lyrics above. It's all been said and seen before.
Maybe it at least would've been a little disgusting if he didn't wear gloves when sticking the needle through the chicks cheek. :P

So, Marilyn (Yes, I'm convinced he reads this ;P ). Re-do it, and do it right!

I'm such a critic, aren't I? And stay tuned. I'm on a roll with the criticism here, so tomorrow I'll be dissing something else! Perhaps I should pursue it as my new career, critic?!

So, with a link to "Born villain", I bid you all a good night.


Monday, September 5

At least I'm not sleeping alone.

There's few things I hate more than completing a text and you lose it all thanks to something going wrong when updating your browser. GRRRR!

I'm too tired to type it all again, so I'll just say good night to you all and go to bed. May you sleep long and prosper... Or something like that. Me and miss Lala (Alice) will hopefully do the same.


Thursday, September 1

Did I mention I like pink?

Ok so, when I was about to dye my hair, I realised I had bought 2 different shades. As I said earlier I was gonna dye it pastel pink, but I'm guessing that I out of habit took my "old" colour instead of the one I wanted. Dementia, I tell you. But oh well, what to do? Well, mix the the colours of course! The result is that my hair is now brighter pink than ever before. I probably glow in the dark. But that's ok, I can see how that has it's uses too. I've cut my bangs again as well, variety is the spice, they say!

Had some fun with my make up today, nothing fancy at all, but quite different from how I usually like to wear it. A lot less as well. It felt a bit strange to not wear any eyeliner, felt almost naked! And I'm guessing that's why people gave me weird looks when I went to the supermarket today. Going to the supermarket without any eyeliner... Jeez, crazy I know!

The shades I used are all Sugarpill.
* Tako 
* Dollypop 
* Tiara