Wednesday, September 14

Eat your clichés.. mhm

I have a new addiction. Vegetables and dip. Specially cauliflower and carrots, with chili and onion dip. Mmmm can't get enough! Well, actually I can because at one point I get full. But there's always a craving for more. And I had this wonderful snack for the 5th time since saturday. I should start growing my own vegetables, but I won't. Don't want to take the income from those poor farmers, that do such a good job growing the vegs as it is. ;)

We must talk about the weather now! Ok, I talk (write), you listen (read). It's been raining for days. Really heavy rain and strong winds for the last two days. And according to the headlines there's a storm raging the country. I haven't seen much of a storm, but I guess some branches from an old tree fell down somewhere, and the media blew (<--See what I did there?!) it out of proportion, as usual. Swedish media rocks. They're good like that, to make a hen out of a feather.

It can't rain all the time.. teehee
But yes. Today it's been really annoying weather. It's been sunny and warm then it's raining and "storming", then sunny and pouring. Most annoying, specially since I was too cheap to buy that really cool umbrella I saw a couple of weeks back. That's what I get for being cheap! Well I learned my lesson now, and I will buy the umbrella, because it's quite clear the weather is trying to tell me I need it. And to demonstrate how much I need it, here's a picture of a soaked me after walking my dogs. I enhanced it a little to prove my point.  


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