Sunday, September 2

There's no hope...

I surprise myself at times. I thought I knew myself pretty damn good by now, but then tonight I learned that I'm a soft hearted weakling. I've just spent the last half hour crying like a baby. Over a movie... I know right. I've been watching Marley & me. Yes, yes I know, it's been out for ages, I'm behind etc, etc. The film wasn't even that good, still it left me snivelling like mad... I like dogs damnit, what's your excuse?!

Something that probably won't make anyone end up in tears is following me on instagram. I'm posting my awesome( <-- uhu), adventures with my best buddy Darth Vader. To see this awesomeness, look up iodines.
Sneak peak. Me and Vader at a football game!


  1. Ehrm - I`m gonna bring Darth Maul, and we`ll grab some beers. Yes yes?

  2. Anytime after the middle of october is good for me. =)

  3. Soooo.....basically in the end of october then? :)That`ll be grand. Beer, and of course the soundtrack will include "October Rust" by ze great Type O Negative ;)

  4. Yas, and october rust is a must! <-- See what I did there? :D

    1. :P

      In general I think the soundtrack for the beer-consumption (and probably tequila as well) will be top notch :)

    2. Of course it will be! Now, we must execute a plan! =)

    3. Affirmative! :)
      Plan a) I drive to Sweden, stop by the tax free and buy hugely important beverages, fuzzy animals and other assorted thingy-thangs, and then head on over to you, Dex and the rest. Then - we drink good beverages and listen to groovy tunes. If tunes are not groovy enough, we execute plan b: Drink more! :P

  5. It's an awesome plan indeed!

    And I think if we mix plan A and B, it will be legendary! :D

    1. Great minds think....well, pretty much about drinking and listening to kick ass music it seems. But I really don`t see a downside to that :)
