Wednesday, September 12

The bane of my life...

Has got to be cooking. I loathe it, and it's so boring. It's not that I can't cook, don't get me wrong, I'm an excellent cook, it's just so god damn boring. And it's just as boring and time consuming to eat. Unfortunately I still have to do it every single day.
Since this is one of the great annoyances of my life I've been trying to come up with solutions. None very successful so far, but I think I have som good ideas. I just need to sell them to someone crazy enough to make it happen. I mean, come on, wouldn't it be just great if you could hook yourself up to an IV? Or, how about a pill that contains all the nutrients you need. 3 pills a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner? Spares you the trouble of cooking, doing the dishes and eating. I would buy it in a heartbeat.

 Oh, and I'm going to defy my cold tomorrow and try out pilates!!

1 comment:

  1. This is probably the bane of every single individual. And I`m talking about us singles. for just yourself is plain boring. Yeah, I do it from time to time. Like really get down and boogie over the pots and pans, but when the noms are done - my head still argues that a frozen pizza would`ve been just as nommy.
