Tuesday, August 30

Frankie doesn't go to Hollywood.

You can't go out cause your roots are showing, dye 'em bla, bla, bla... bleach them! Bleach 'em. Aren't I witty?!
I've been so lazy lately, can't be bothered to do anything. Just walking around feeling lonely and blue, being mad at myself for being so socially awkward. Must snap out of it.
I've slow started the snapping out tonight, by finally bleaching my roots. It was well overdue. Tomorrow I'm gonna snap out some more, by dying my hair pink. Using a different shade of pink this time, pastel pink. The result should be slightly lighter than last time. Oh the excitment, don't know if I can handle it all!

Frankie Stein. 
And no, this Frankie 
doesn't go to Hollywood. 
She's way too cool for that.

Oh and I did something the other day that I haven't done in ages, literally.
I bought a doll! I couldn't resist it, she's so cute, don't you agree? Her name is Frankie Stein and she's the daughter of Frankenstein's monster. The picture doesn't show it that well, but she's got seams and bolts in her neck and a fishnet top. She's aaawesome!  ^__^

Now, why didn't they make dolls like this when I was a kid? I had to cut and dye my Barbies hair, and give them extreme make ups myself! I actually had to be creative! Damn you toymakers, damn you!

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