Saturday, March 14

You know what really grinds my gears...?

First, let me just say. Peter Griffin is awesome. He should be president of the world.

Secondly. I thought of writing a list of things that annoy me. But then I realised it would take too long. After all, I do have other important things to do. Like sleeping, playing star acres and work.

So, to your surprise, I'm gonna write a list of things that make me happy!

Hold on to your hats, this'll be good for you to know!

1. Unicorns. You simply can't beat the awesomness of unicorns. After all, they are unicorns.

2. Goats. Goats are great. I'm getting one! (Shut up Jon)

3. Shoes. Necessary to have. And you can never have too many pairs.

3. Cats. Kind of like shoes really. Can't have too many.

4. Makeup. Also necessary. And you can never wear too much of it, or own enough of it. However, you can lack skills to apply it. (Want tips?)

5. Sleep. I can never get enough!

6. Coffee. Same as the above.

7. Autumn. I just love everything about it. The first smell of frost, the colours, storms, sunny beautiful days.

8. I'm running out of ideas...

9. This is getting hard...

10. Hmm. I found out the other day that when I sleep, I'm quite amused by ducks for some strange reason.

Ok, making lists sucks. I just realised I should've done it like this:



Hit copy & paste x infinity.

Now, I shall sleep. 

Edit: OMGGGOOMGOSH, IT'S 3.14 DAY!!! Ihaihahaha 

Thursday, March 12

Does anyone read these things anymore?

Hi bloggie, it's been a while!

So, yeah. I got a lot of important, life changing opinions that needs to be spewn out somewher. So I thouht, hey, why not scrape the rust of my old blog.

It's a hell of a better way than Facebook. No one likes to read long pointless dtatusupdates about snotty kids, gymfreaks or the worst kind of all. Sport updates, how many hours people spend at a gym. Fine, I get it. You're trying to stop the middelage belly, desperatly trying to grasp your fading youth.
Here's what happen imo. You look grossly fit, for the middleage you are. But your face?! Wtf, get some botox or something. You all look at least like you're closing in at 50. Wrinkly skin, my god, really. Skip your boobjob. Get a facejob.
Or, makeup skills... 
Hey, I'll even consider giving a makeup trick or... 5.

Oh well now that we (me and my awesome bananas) are back.

Preparera for a lot of ranting.

And to finish this fabulous comeback.
Let's celebrate it with beauty and class

Anna- Varney Cantodea. The one TRUE goddess of goth.