Saturday, August 6

Love is in the city air

I feel elated. Elated and happy, believe it or not. (I'm bipolar, my mood changes fast, mmkay?).

I've spent the day in Stockholm city, underneath the scorching sun for a wonderful Pride 2011 festival. So many  beautiful people, so much happiness and love. Not even I could resist to be swept away by the happiness. I love  the gay community. Mostly because it's the least judgemental, and the most open minded community I've ever experienced. And filled with some of the most beautiful personalities I've ever come across.

I had to stop and ask some of the most fabulous people from the parade if I could take their picture, and I will post some of them. And as I was walking around the festival area, and the main shopping streets of Stockholm, I was quite surprised, happily I might add, when people randomly during the day walked up and asked if they could take a picture of me, or have their picture taken with me. I also had quite a few just walking up to me saying they loved my hair and that I was looking beautiful. I'm not really used to that, and I'm still grinning stupidly about that. I must've been looking more fab in the fluffy-bunny ears thingys than I thought! :P

Absolutely fabulous! Gorgeous, and I got a hug.. tehehhe

This dress was so bubbly and FAB!

Fabulous grrls!

A blue bunny :P
Tried to take a picture of the fluffy thingys of doom  that I was wearing on my head.
Oh, and I also have to show you the tattoo I got. It says "Stockholm county police department",  and yes, it is fake, but how often do you get a fake tattoo by the police? :D

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