Saturday, March 12

Saturday morning, 6AM why do I wake up at this hour?! Something is wrong with me I'm sure. Never in my life have I ever woke up this early without at least 5 alarms going off. Even the dogs are starting to look a little annoyed by this new sleeping routines.

From one thing to another. I logged onto failbook this morning and found 2 mails about a high school reunion I got invited to a while back. It was reminders that yesterday was the last day to pay for it and confirm that you're coming. I haven't payed for it, and I declined the event a few weeks back. I was thinking about this reunion for a while this morning, and my conclusion are that I can't really find any good reasons to attend it. My thoughts and opinions on the matter is:

1: There's really only 1 person that I consider being a friend, and that I've actually kept somewhat contact with over the years. And if I want to meet her, I'm sure (hope) she would let me pay for a coffee to do so instead of paying the ridiculous amount they're asking for this "party". So M, if you read this. Next time I'm in town, lets grab a coffee, my treat. Mmkay?

2: The cost is 400SKR (£37ish), a sum that is pretty high considering the food that they're serving. I could get a better 3 course meal at a good restaurant for the same amount.

3: I am not a people person. I don't like people. People are by default stupid, and it takes a lot to convince me otherwise. I didn't like 95% of the people in school when I was in school, and 99% of the people didn't like me.
99% of the people from school don't even say hello when we run into eachother.
And don't get me wrong here. I'm not bothered by this. I'd rather not stop and chat with random people I meet, but I don't think a hello is too much hassle to get out of your mouth. It is called being polite. And even though I do hate most things, I am polite and I do have some manners. So yes, again. Paying a ridiculous sum to go and put on a fake smile, and use fake social skills to pretend that I give a f**k about what people have been doing since graduation is not really my cup of tea. So you have a job, got a couple of kids, got married, bought a house and go to reunions because it's so fantastic to see all of those people from our early youth. Perhaps get some juicy gossip to take home? What ever floats your boat. It doesn't float mine, but tyvm for the offer. Let's not pretend we're all good loving people.

Ok this turned out to be some rant. My point on the matter though is, that I'd rather surround myself with the few people that I care about. And if others like to think that I'm just bitter or angry, that's fine too. It's probably easier for them to grasp, than the fact that I, simply and honestly doesn't give a crap.

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