Saturday, October 16

Just woke up, at 16.55... Been a while since I've slept that late. Yesterday was nice and relaxed, a good substitute for what could've been, but next time, RELEASE A FEW MORE TICKETS WILL YA! Just my luck, when there's a good band playing close to home, it instantly sells out. Now of course, there was 2 good bands. Oh well.

I haven't been awake for that long today yet, but still something happened first thing that managed to change my mood quite fast. Being called a hypocrite for something I write in my blog. It's quite interesting how something you write concerning one person also fits another one. Perhaps I should start using names of people when I write to prevent misunderstandings, but then again. If there's a lot of people taking things I write to heart, there is something more behind it than what is being said. Either way, I don't like being called a hypocrite, which I've already told you. I've never been afraid of speaking my mind, and the reason I didn't write it out more clear in the blog is that it was simply my thoughts on the matter, and didn't concern anyone else than me and the person involved. Well, confusing eh, since it seems more than one took it to heart... Anyhow, didn't mean to offend anyone.

Gosh, I think I need to lie down for a bit again, trying to sort this out makes my poor little head spin.

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