Saturday, September 10

This is the ne... Old shit?

So, I have always thought of myself as a Marilyn Manson fan, more or less. Well, quite less the last years to be honest. Because, let's face it, ever since antichrist superstar it's been kinda downhill. But anyway, I've always been looking forward to their new releases, and the release of "Born villain" was no exception. So... Marilyn, Marilyn. What happened? I'm so disappointed. Born villain was nothing but boring and blank. When I try to think of words to describe it, all that comes to mind is the lyrics from another Manson song. I think they pretty much cover it.
This is the new shit:
"Everything has been said before. There's nothing left to say anymore. 
When it's all the same you can ask for it by name. 
Babble, babble, bitch, bitch. Rebel, rebel, party, party. 
Sex, sex, sex, and don't forget the "violence". 
Blah blah blah got your lovey dovey sad-and-lonely. 
Stick your STUPID SLOGAN in: Everybody sing along".

I don't know. Maybe it would be different if I were a teen again, or American. Scenes from the video are pretty much the same as in older Manson videos. Naked bodies, needles, genitalia and blood.
  It gives me the impression that born villain is nothing but a halfheartedly attempt to shock some old, religious southern git, because that's what Marilyn Manson is supposed to do?
  But it's just like the lyrics above. It's all been said and seen before.
Maybe it at least would've been a little disgusting if he didn't wear gloves when sticking the needle through the chicks cheek. :P

So, Marilyn (Yes, I'm convinced he reads this ;P ). Re-do it, and do it right!

I'm such a critic, aren't I? And stay tuned. I'm on a roll with the criticism here, so tomorrow I'll be dissing something else! Perhaps I should pursue it as my new career, critic?!

So, with a link to "Born villain", I bid you all a good night.


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